Terms & Condition

Last Updated on: 17th Nov 2023


23. Suspension & Termination

23.1 User Accountability: Zeta reserves the right to immediately suspend or terminate service for Users who fail to meet driving eligibility criteria, misuse Zeta vehicles, or breach any provisions in this Agreement. 

23.2 Termination Process: If you wish to terminate your agreement with Zeta, you can do so by not accessing the Application/Website or closing your Account for all Bookings if the option is available. 

23.3 Zeta’s Right to Terminate: Zeta may suspend or terminate this Agreement by providing 30 days’ notice or immediately if required by law, if the service is no longer viable, or due to various unforeseen circumstances, including technical issues. 

23.4 Irreparable Harm: Zeta may seek injunctive or equitable relief for any violation of this Agreement, which may cause irreparable harm. 

23.5 Upon Termination: Upon termination, the Booking ends, and the User must return the Vehicle to Zeta. Zeta bears no liabilities related to the Vehicle after termination. 

23.6 Account Termination: Zeta may terminate or suspend your Account, including removal of access, disabling Account Information, and prohibiting further use of the Services. 

23.7 Surviving Terms: Provisions intended to survive termination will continue unless Zeta chooses to terminate them. 

24. Provisions for Travellers of Chauffeur Driven Vehicles:

24.1 Chauffeur Service: Zeta offers Users the option to Book chauffeur-driven vehicles. 

24.2 Right to Refuse Service: Zeta or the driver can refuse service if the User is intoxicated, misbehaving, causing nuisance, misusing or damaging Zeta’s vehicle devices. 

24.3 User Restrictions: Users opting for chauffeur-driven vehicles cannot drive the Booked vehicle. Certain clauses do not apply to these Users. 

24.4 Missed Schedules: Zeta is not liable for any compensation if the User misses scheduled programs due to service delays. Zeta disclaims liability for driver-related issues. 

24.5 Complaints: Users must inform Zeta in writing about service or driver complaints during the ride/trip. 

It’s important to understand your responsibilities, especially when booking chauffeur-driven vehicles, and to communicate concerns promptly for a better experience.

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